We are very proud to announce that North Shore Law’s Family Lawyer, Tina Parbhakar, was involved in the creation of the documentary, “But I Look Like a Lawyer,” produced by the FACL BC (Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers British Columbia) that premiered on November 5th, 2021.
This documentary shares stories of the discrimination, stereotyping and bias experienced by members of the Pan-Asian legal community. With the aim of increasing intercultural awareness and competency, this documentary showcases the complexity of the historical, socio-economic and colonial aspects of these lived experiences.
Watch the film here: https://vimeo.com/640439328
Tina became a member of the FACL BC in 2018 after closely following the organization’s development over a few years. She volunteered in the Documentary Committee and refers to the film as, “a tangible contribution to building cross-cultural understanding in the profession as well as to the inclusion of individuals from different races, ethnicities and cultural backgrounds in the justice system.”
The “But I Look Like a Lawyer” documentary is eligible for 1 CPD credit in BC and other select Canadian jurisdictions. More information, discussion questions, and support resources are available at: faclbc.ca/documentary
Tina Parbhakar is a Family Lawyer at North Shore Law who provides clients with attentive, compassionate service and unwavering advocacy. Tina is mindful of the linguistic, cultural and social barriers many individuals and groups face in accessing and navigating the justice system.
The Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (British Columbia) Society is a diverse coalition of Asian Canadian legal professionals working to promote equity, justice and opportunity for Asian Canadian legal professionals and the broader community.